Pay less. eat well.

Find great food near you and save your world
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how does it work?

explore a new way to save the world

Shops post delicious but expiring  food on

You will check over the numerous offers in your

Find something? Go to the shop and get it for a  reduced price

You will save money and the
shops will reduce the waste production

Are you a shop owner ?

  •       Increase your revenue

           Reduce your waste and transform it into money

  •       Increase the number of your clients

            Instead of throwing away eatable food, increase the number of customers

  •       Reduce waste

           Reduce the food waste production and improve your environment

Our partners

see how you can benefits from our partner stores

See what our users are saying

As a student I have to conduct an economic life and need to consider how much I spend on food…. efood gives me the opportunity to reach this goal and at the same time to eat delicious and healthy food

- Reza, 42, student at ETH

Our team

Phanos Hadjikyriakou

Marlon Keller

Bernhard Pribyl

Damoun Taeseri